Satellitenphoto Alpenraum

  • Hallo,

    kann mir wer sagen, wo ich ein solches an die Geo-Daten gebundenes Photo von Süddeutschland oder dem Alpenraum finde?
    Würde da gerne (so wie auf dem Beispiel) meine Tourendaten als Übersaicht eingeben.

    Danke für Hinweise - nussi

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

  • Also bei mir kommt bei dem Link immer "Server nicht gefunden"...

  • Stimmt!

    Heute geht der NASA-Server bei mir auch nicht.

    Gestern konnte ich aber einige 100 MB runterladen -
    vielleicht hat er das nicht gepackt :D

    Wastl's Link funktionierte zumindest gestern schon auch:

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von nussi ()

  • Zitat

    Original von mr.boombasti
    Jetzt geht er - mei, Amis eben ;D

    Blöde Frage - und wie krieg ich das nun in Fugawi rein ?( Die Anleitung von Wastls Link ist ja für Ozi...

  • Zitat

    wie krieg ich das nun in Fugawi rein

    Überhaupt nicht - leider.
    Geht nur mit Ozi und da nur mit der Vollversion.

    Aber ich such' mal weiter . . .

  • Na ja... hab grad eine Art Übersicht der Karten folgendermaßen in Fugawi bekommen; ist leider nicht so hochaufgelöst wie die eigentlichen Bilder, dafür aber wiederrum auch nicht so speicherintensiv...

    - Ausschnitt aus der Webseite soweit zoomen und pixelmäßig mgl. hoch einstellen
    - rechter Mausklick und "Bild speichern unter..."
    - das Bild dann mit Fugawi kalibrieren (zB. mit einer ÖK50 als Referenz)
    - klappt relativ gut :D

  • Hallo zusammen!


    Original von nussi

    Überhaupt nicht - leider.
    Geht nur mit Ozi und da nur mit der Vollversion.

    Aber ich such' mal weiter . . .

    Heute schickte ich eine Mail an Northport + Fugawi/BRD mit einer Liste von Fehlern und einer Wunschliste für Erweiterungen.
    Hier habe ich auch beantragt, das hier diskutierte Format zu unterstützen.
    Mal sehen, ob/was die mir antworten.

    Viele Grüße

  • @ Mr.bombasti

    na ist doch ganz gut gelungen!
    Soll au auch nur ne Übersicht sein - wird ja wohl keiner auf die Idee kommen danach eine AlpenX zu machen :D

    @ Delago

    ist ne wirklich gute Idee -
    die sollen sich mal bisschen Mühe geben . . .


    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von nussi ()

  • Hallo mr.boombasti!


    Original von mr.boombasti
    Was sind denn deine Wünsche?

    Hier sind meine beiden Mails:

    "Dear xxx,
    last year I had several contacts with you because of Fugawi problems.
    Most of the reported problems seem to be solved.
    But now I ask you for some assistance due to 2 waypoint problems.

    1. When I want to modify waypoint positions of an existing route by dragging these waypoints over the map it sometimes happens that a different waypoint
    is moved instead of the desired one. It seems that this happens only to those actually moved waypoints which have been moved before.
    Example: At first I move waypoint no. 5 of a route. This works as expected.
    When I move waypoint no. 12 after that (it is selected!) it can happen (not always) that again waypoint no. 5 is moved.

    2. Fugawi 1.6 on PocketPC:
    I recorded a track of a journey (displayed accuracy 6-8 m). Several times during that journey I created waypoints of the current position using the action button. When I maximally zoom the map in I can (always!) see that the waypoints are displaced to the north-west, the displacement of the waypoint center being equal to the radius of the circle around the current position.
    The current position alway lies on the track.
    When I transfer the track and the waypoints to Fugawi on the desktop PC the waypoint positions seem to be correct i.e. the centers of the displayed waypoint squares lie exactly on the track.
    Fugawi on PC:
    When I zoom into the above mentioned track and create a waypoint double-clicking exactly on the track the center of this waypoint isdisplaced, too (not to the north-west, but to the south-west!). And when I transfer this displaced waypoint to the PocketPC, its position is displaced, too, but now to the north-west of the modelled position.
    This is not a major bug but it can lead you to the wrong position, especially when you do geocaching.

    I would be thankful for the correction of these errors.

    Further, I have a question concerning the MagicMaps:
    Now there is a new version 1.5 of MagicMaps (on DVD) for parts of Germany.
    In this version more informations (e.g. contour lines) are provided. But I heard that Fugawi has to be adapted to this new version.
    Can you tell me when it will be?

    Finally, I'm asking for new features of Fugawi for PocketPC. The PC version has a lot of valuable features but in the PocketPC version there is a big need for improvements.
    I fear that almost no developments for the PocketPC version have been done in the past year. So I want to give you a list of desired features.

    1. The synchronizing mechanism between PC and PocketPC is very bad, especially when you transfer a lot of routes and waypoints to the PocketPC. This transfer may take more than one hour. The reason for this strange behaviour seems to be that each waypoint is individually inserted into a database. The time for each insertion operation increases with the number of entries. The database size (< 1000 waypoint entries) at the end of the transfer is < 300 kB. The better way would be to transfer the database from the PocketPC to the PC and to perform all operations within the PC. After
    completion the database will be transferred back to the PocketPC. Maybe this only takes 1 minute!
    It is not unusual to go to holidays without a PC but with all planned trips stored within the PocketPC. If you have 20 planned trips with 50 waypoints each you have to hold 1000 waypoints within the PocketPC.

    2. Waypoints, tracks and routes which are transferred from the PC should be supplied with the height information according to the height informations used in Fugawi/PC (e.g. height informations from 3 arcsec measurements of the Space Shuttle). This height information is very important when you decide how far you can go during one day. For this purpose the implementaion of the height profile is important.

    3. When I have completed a trip it would be an interesting information how far I have gone: In Fugawi/PC the track length is provided but not in
    Fugawi/PocketPC. This information should be included.

    4. It should be possible to create a route directly on the map. The only way now to perform this is to create waypoints and to assemble them afterwards
    to a route. This is not a very user-friendly way.

    5. The map zoom does not work properly:
    Because of a bug (I'm think so) sometimes you can't zoom in. I can't tell you under which circumstances this occurs but I read in a German user forum that other Fugawi users have the same problem.
    But even when this bug is corrected the zoom range is not sufficient. The maximum zoom is okay. But the minimum zoom (when you want to get an overview
    of the region) sometimes doeas not show a sufficient overview.

    6. Distance measurements between 2 points on the map should be provided.

    7. It should be possible that tracks are drawn with e.g. dotted lines. The thickness of the lines should be user-definable.

    8. The display attributes of waypoints, routes and tracks should be individually set.

    9. It should be possible that waypoints can be moved by dragging on the PocketPC screen.


    Und die 2. Mail:

    "Within OziExplorer the Nasa ESAD MrSid images
    ( can be displayed, but not within Fugawi.
    I think this is a very important image format because these files cover the whole earth and can be downloaded for free.

    Can you give me the information if/when this file format will be supported within Fugawi?"

    Zur 2. Mail bekam ich gerade eine Antwort:
    Es gibt aktuelle Pläne, Fugawi zu "MrSID images" kompatibel zu machen. Einen Zeitplan konnte die freundliche Dame noch nicht nennen.

    Viele Grüße

  • Hallo nussi!


    Original von nussi
    @ Mr.bombasti

    na ist doch ganz gut gelungen!
    Soll au auch nur ne Übersicht sein - wird ja wohl keiner auf die Idee kommen danach eine AlpenX zu machen :D

    Bestimmt nicht!


    Viele Grüße

  • Hallo nochmal,

    im Shop von findet man unter/ Digitale Landkarten / Alpen schon so ein Satellitenbild mit den GeoDaten - angeblich fugawikompatibel.

    Aber 15 (plus Versand) wo doch die Bilddaten frei verfügbar sind - weiss nicht