Neue version mapmerge

  • A new version of Map Merge is available for download from the Map Merge Utility page.

    Version 1.05


    a.. Many bugs have been fixed but it is still a beta version so there will still be more bugs.

    a.. The ozfx3 files created by this version will now work faster - this will be particularly noticeable on slow PDA's or slow memory cards.
    b.. Added the ability to specify the % resize of the final map. If you want the final image to be lower resolution than the originals this does a smart bilinear resize of the merged image which of course looks much better.
    c.. Added a new column in the maps list for status, this shows if the map image could not be found or is not supported.
    d.. Added an "Action List" to show what maps have been opened and closed and how many maps are currently open. This is displayed during the merging process.
    e.. Many internal changes have been made.


    Das schöne an Bienchen ist, man hat immer was worauf man sich freuen kann :love2