GPSDash 1.1 ist da

  • Hi,
    langsam wird es wirklich gut. Wenn jetzt noch die Routenfunktion freigeschaltet wird, dann können sich viele "profesionelle" Rasterkartenprogramme hier wirklich was abschneiden.


    P.S.: Ich bin nur User und habe nichts mit der Erstellung dieses Programmes zu tun.

    Änderungen in 1.1


    New: Support for Waypoints - With this new release, it is possible to define and manage userdefined waypoints or destinations. The coordinates for a waypoint may be overtaken from the GPS-Receiver, selected by tapping on the map or entered manually. Beside a standard description data, also a radius is associated with the each waypoint. The radius determines the visibility of a waypoint on a map (wps with a small radius does not show up on worldmap) and when a waypoint should be considered as reached (entering the circle). The waypoints are "map-clickable" to get acces to the description data.
    New: Bearing Info in Mapview - When you select a waypoint while connected to GPS or replaying a log, very helpful bearing information is displayed if you select the new "Show Bearing" switch in the mapview context dialog. The bearing data, which is shown in the upper left corner of the mapview, informs you about the absolute bearing of the selected waypoint relative to your current position, the deviation of your actual heading direction to the optiml bearing (0° means you are heading directly towards the waypoint - 180° means you are moving directly away from it) and the current distance to the destination point.
    New: Bearing Mark in Compass - The optimal bearing towards a waypoint is also marked in the compass gauge. If the mark is in the compass "house", you are heading directly towards the waypoint.

    Änderungen in 1.0

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Rellik ()