“GPS Cycle Computer“ auf dem S38x7

  • Wie es aktuell aussieht, ist low.flying.pigs "von der Fahne" GCC gegangen.

    Da ich auch auf eine PN im XDA-Forum keine Antwort bekommen habe, ist wohl (leider!?) davon auszugehen, daß Low.Flying.Pigs den Disput mit Blaustein im XDA-Forum zum Anlaß genommen hat, sich aus diesem Umfeld zurückzuziehen - zumindest insofern bedauerlich, als sein Startprogramm noch nicht ganz "rund" ist: Der automatische SR nach HR fehlt mir doch des öfteren (wenn ich den manuellen SR mal wieder vergessen habe).

  • Jubel, Konfetti und Randale: Das Final Release GPS-Cycle-Computer 4.12 ist da - jetzt auch mit Unterstützung des Piepsers im S3857. Damit der (oder auch die Sprachausgabe) nicht zu nervig wird, lässt sich in den Options auf Seite 4 unten nicht nur die max. Abweichnung vom Track2Follow parametrieren, sondern auch, ob man alle oder nur wichtige (abgewichen, Ziel erreicht) oder gar keine akustische Meldungen hören will.
    DL der CAB von hier oder der exe (gezipt) hier.

    p. s.: Der Austausch der GpsCycleComputer.exe reicht nur bei vorher installierten GCC 4.12beta15 und höher, sonst fehlen einige aktualisierte Dateien. die komplette Installation gibt's gezipt hier.

    Copyright: GCC unterliegt der BSD 3-Clause License:

    3 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Ralf25 () aus folgendem Grund: Komplette Inst.-Files zum DL, copyright ergänzt und (Ralf25): Spoiler eingefügt

  • Und auch low.flying.pigs ist wieder da! Wäre klasse, wenn er seine Startroutine noch um das fehlende I-Tüpfelchen (automatischer SR nach HR, damit die Einträge in der Registry wirksam werden) komplettiert.

  • To briefly address some of the comments arising and update since last posting:

    It has been very busy in the interim and will likely remain so.

    Regarding GPS Cycle Computer:

    Compliant further development of GPS Cycle Computer remains of interest. Source code for 4.12 Final to enable that has subsequently been provided following request for it.

    However, there has been apparent resistance to necessary compliance, further detailed briefly below, and apparent resistance to further development in general from some vociferous users. This is entirely counter productive and misguided since compliance is not optional but a legal necessity and to do otherwise foolhardy at best. Furthermore, general development is necessary to expand compatibility with other devices and Operating Systems to increase user base, given the existing user base of existing supported devices is in continual decline.

    Coupled with an apparent general lack of demand or support from that existing user base, as a prospect for any developer in today's litigious environment to invest personal time and resources into pro bono, the project is not particularly attractive and it is unclear if there will be any further development, or another Final release.

    There has not been any dispute between myself and Blaustein.

    There exists issues that have long been brought to attention during the GPS Cycle Computer 4.12beta phase and which remain in 4.12 Final in relation to GPS Cycle Computer specifically regarding compliance with the requirements, licensing and terms of usage of third party mapping service providers, if GPS Cycle Computer is to continue inclusion of said functionality. These issues are resolved by either amending functionality for compliance, or removing non complaint functionality.

    The resultant consequences of non compliance are potential legal disputes between third party mapping service providers; with Blaustein who released GPS Cycle Computer 4.12 Final at their own risk and sole liability non compliant; and others at their own risk and sole liability that redistribute non compliant versions modified or unmodified.

    Progress towards an initial compliant implementation based on now superseded 4.12beta24 source code was completed, however before the compliance changes could be submitted 4.12 Final was released without prior announcement, and therefore 4.12 Final remains non compliant and the situation persists to the detriment of remaining users and the future, if any, of the project itself.

    For clarity and the avoidance of doubt, the separate and irrelevant matter of GPS Cycle Computer licensing inherently relates only to GPS Cycle Computer without any bearing on the requirements, licensing and terms of usage of third party mapping service providers detailed briefly above, creating thereby no mitigation. Furthermore, opposition legal representation for said whose services are integrated non complaint would readily demonstrate; liability; the long established principle lawful terms of usage are accepted by usage and that non compliant usage is unacceptable; the ineffectual and irrelevant disclaimer does not relate to such third party service providers, rather end users of GPS Cycle Computer, and that disclaimer would not, could not, and does not provide or constitute with regards to requirements, licensing and terms of usage; exemption from compliance; ability to integrate other than as stipulated absent consent or special dispensation otherwise; immunity to act recklessly without consequence; immunity from lawful redress.

    Regarding GCC Boot:

    Continued further development of GCC Boot remains of interest, however, as it was created to compliment GPS Cycle Computer, further development to some extent depends on that of GPS Cycle Computer itself.

    All official GCC Boot downloads were removed in September 2014 during the GPS Cycle Computer 4.12beta phase due to apparent resistance to necessary compliance detailed briefly above, pending compliant final official version release which did not transpire with GPS Cycle Computer 4.12 final.

    GCC Boot therefore still remains indefinitely unavailable and suspended pending a compliant official release of GPS Cycle Computer at an unknown future date.


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    12 Mal editiert, zuletzt von low.flying.pigs ()

  • Monika

    Hat das Label Hardware GoPal S3857 hinzugefügt.