NaviPOWM 0.2.3 und Vista

  • Hier noch ein Versuch mit der navipowm.txt


    // Documentation can be found on

    // directories
    // Directories are taken as relative path to program
    // start path. To use absolute paths, one needs to
    // prepend the directory name with the path delimiter
    // for the used operating system: / for Linux
    // or \ for Windows. On Windows only directories on current
    // drive are supported. On Windows Mobile all drives are
    // subdirectories of \ so they can be accessed
    // Examples:
    // DirectoryMaps=Maps -> take maps from subdirectory Maps
    // DirectoryMaps=/home/OSM/Maps -> take maps from directory /home/OSM/Maps
    // DirectoryMaps=\OSM\Maps -> take maps from directory \OSM\Maps

    // icons
    LogoName = logo.bmp
    InfoName = info.bmp
    QuitName = quit.bmp
    MinimizeName = minimize.bmp
    SaveOnName = saveon.bmp
    SaveOffName = saveoff.bmp
    ZoomInName = zoomin.bmp
    ZoomOutName = zoomout.bmp
    MoveName = move.bmp
    CurrentPosName = currentpos.bmp

    // config
    LogoTime = 3000
    FullScreen = off
    //FullScreen = on
    Northing = off
    //ShowMinimizeButton = off
    ShowMinimizeButton = on
    ShowMaxSpeed = on
    MaxSpeedSize = 51
    ShowCompass = on
    CompassSize = 50
    InfoBarBottomHeight = 20
    InfoBarTopHeight = 20
    InfoBarCommonWidth = 65
    InfoBarCommonHeight = 60
    //SnapToWay = on
    SnapToWay = off
    StartWithLastPosition = on
    WatchdogTimeout = 10
    GPSReceiverLag = 900

    // Mode
    // possible modes: car, bike, ped, cache, map
    // car -> car
    // bike -> bicycle
    // ped -> pedestrian
    // cache -> caching
    // map -> mapping purposes
    // SpeedThreshold* -> Speed detected as standstill for specific mode [m/s]
    SpeedThresholdCar = 2
    SpeedThresholdBike = 1.5
    SpeedThresholdPedestrian = 1
    SpeedThresholdCaching = 1
    SpeedThresholdMapping = 1

    // zoom
    // AutoZoom = OFF
    // AutoZoom = ON;0;3;10;4;15;7;20;10;25;15
    //ShowZoomButtons = off
    ShowZoomButtons = on
    AutoZoom = ON;0;3;10;4;15;7;20;10;25;15
    HystMaxOffsetRel = 10
    HystMaxOffsetAbs = 0.7

    // Scale
    ShowScale = on
    ScaleWidth = 100
    ScaleHeight = 5
    ScaleFontSize = 16

    // POIs
    // POIBackgroundType = Area / Glow
    ShowPOIs = on
    POIFontSize = 16
    POIDisplaySize = 20
    POIBackgroundType = Area
    POIShowAll = off
    POIShowParking = on
    POIShowFuel = on
    POIShowTrafficSignals = on
    POIShowAmenities = on
    POIShowPublicTransport = on
    POIShowFoodDrink = on
    POIShowAccomodation = on
    POIShowChurches = on
    POIShowOther = on

    // Cities
    // CityBackgroundType = Area / Glow
    ShowCities = on
    CitySmallFontSize = 16
    CityMediumFontSize = 18
    CityLargeFontSize = 20
    CityBackgroundType = Area

    // TrackLog
    //ShowTrackLog = off
    ShowTrackLog = on
    TrackLogSize = 3600
    TrackLogMinDist = 10

    // OSM validation
    OSMValiName = off
    OSMValiRef = off
    OSMValiMaxSpeed = off

    // Debug informations
    DBGDrawTimes = off
    DBGDrawMapSectionBorders = off
    DBGDrawPositions = off
    DebugFontSize= 16

    // serial port for GPS input
    // Here some examples:
    //SerialPort = COM1;38400;8;N;1 <- Windows
    // SerialPort = COM5:;9600;8;N;1 <- Windows Mobile. ":" needed
    // SerialPort = /dev/ttyS1;4800;8;N;1 <- Linux
    // SerialPort = DEMO;2005042301.txt;1 <- DEMO mode, timeout in seconds
    // SerialPort = DEMO;2005042301.txt;500ms <- DEMO mode, timeout in milliseconds
    //SerialPort = DEMO;demo01.txt;1
    SerialPort = COM6;34800;8;N;1 <- Windows

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von meppen7 ()

  • Hi,

    sieht eigentlich alles Korrekt aus. Weiss jetzt leider auf die Schnelle auch keine Loesung...


  • Hallo,
    du solltest die Letzte Zeile von navipowm.txt:
    SerialPort = COM6;34800;8;N;1 <- Windows

    SerialPort = COM6;34800;8;N;1

    Sonst ist mir nichts weiter aufgefallen.

    Gruß Ingo

  • Zitat

    Original von meppen7
    Hier noch ein Versuch mit der navipowm.txt

    Müsste die Datei nicht navipowm.ini heißen?

    Viele Grüße

  • Hallo,
    nein navipowm.txt ist schon richtig, dadurch kannst du die Datei auch auf einem PDA ändern denn bei einer TXT Datei wird einfach der normale Editor aufgerufen.

    Gruß Ingo