Settings & Big buttons

  • Hope someone could help me ... I'm not new here and this is the best place ;) to find info and solve problems about Config my becker 7934.

    Here they are my problems:

    1) by the becker shell u can access to lights settings(even lateral lights red\blue),battery,info,ecc

    Is there a way to activate this settings windows without start becker shell?? ...I would like to have an .EXE file that can access lights setting in the way becker shell do

    2) If I don't start becker original shell, but I go directly with something else or in windows desktop (and then from there I start my NAV or application files) ...are there any files I should start up previously to make my device work properly ??? ?(

    3) Can anyone post me a stand alone solution to have big buttons on MP3\video player ( I think in new PMB version the related player is I appreciate to have it with big buttons)

    Extra question :)

    4) cause Wince 4.2 only MN6, TOMTOM6, IGO8, MioMap v3.3 could run... I read various post . Is it correct? or is it possible to have other NAV ? which ones?

    REALLY great thanks

  • To Bogi100 :

    Double post was a mistake by refreshig from my PC. sorry, not my intention.


    HOPE someone can solve my questions :) I'll stay tuned :D