
  • Hello,

    I am from France and I can't wright German at all so I hope I may wright in English to you.

    First I want to thank you for this greate forum because it helps me already a lot.

    I have a queation:

    I have a Medion 465T with Gopal 4(first gopal 3).

    I already change the "H: STVO-Abfrage wegklicken" with the

    But now I would to change "Höhe über NN einfügen in Kompassansicht (480x272)" but now I don't know it anymore.

    I understand that the PFSkin.skn is not the same as in the Gopal 3 but how do I have to change this now? I looked to the wiki gopal explanation but there they are showing a PFSkin.skn which I do not have.

    What do I have to do?

    Thanks a lot.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Skin ()

  • Ce link aide à traduire :D

    Online-Translator or ( enter german word in the top left serachbox )

    At the begining of your PfSkin.skn is the chapter Bitmaps. You have to add this line for the backgraund image :

    341: PPSkin\Background_compass_text1.png; //added

    Then copy this picture to \My Flash Disk\navigation\Skin480x272\PPSkin\

    [Blockierte Grafik:…kground_compass_text1.png]

    open your \My Flash Disk\navigation\Skin480x272\PFSkin.skn with a text editor and search for "compassView". There you have to insert the following text :


    // SkinElementModelCoder
    ID: 3801163;
    Class: SkinIcon;
    Coordinates: 0,148,181,50;
    Background: 341,0,0,181,50,0,0,255,0,255;

    // SkinIconModelCoder

    // SkinElementModelCoder
    Class: SkinText;
    Coordinates: 80,158,60,30;
    TextColor: 255,255,255;
    Font: 7;
    VAlign: center;
    TextFormat: "%65541; m";

    // SkinScrollbarOwnerModelCoder

    // SkinTextModelCoder

    // SkinElementModelCoder
    Class: SkinText;
    Coordinates: 30,158,50,30;
    Text#DP: 6553771;
    TextColor: 255,255,255;
    Font: 7;
    VAlign: center;

    // SkinScrollbarOwnerModelCoder

    // SkinTextModelCoder


    3 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Alufoliengriller ()

  • Hi and Joyeux Noel,

    if you would like to implement the height dierectly on your navigation panel try this:

    There´s a Topic in that forum called "Höhenangabe, wie?".

    There you will find on page 3 a zip-file called: "balken oben und Kompass"

    Save you original pfs.skn, then replace that file in \My Flash Disk\navigation\Skin480x272.

    Than copy the Pics to ppskin an re-start your pna.

    Worth a try. I it doesn´t work properly due to differences of the content of that pfskin (I think it´s a file of a p4420 discounter version), you will find in the same topic detailed description of the necessary changes to be made in your original pfskin. Change the red-highlighted lines in "änderungen" and copy "ergänzungen" to the end of 'SF_Menu_panel', and implement the icons as above described

    If you need help, please feel free to ask!

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von markus06 ()

  • Okay, it worked and thanks a lot.

    But there is something strange with my Pfskin.skn

    When I open it with "der Schmierblock" it doesn't look very " gleichmäßig"

    All the text is put together and I see a lot of white "Vierecken".

    When I copy all the text and I put it in "word" everything is looking okay and I can work with it.

    That was the reason because of I couldn't change something. Because in Gopal 3 I added two buttons on my screen""home" and "stop navigation".

    Is that in Gopal 4 also possible?

  • Hi,

    Schmierblock is so funny :D, but i understood you. I lived for several years in Spain and believe me I know how difficult it is to deal with a foreign language.

    Just use notepad++ (it´s free, just google for it) It will show the editable text properly line for line

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von markus06 ()

  • Yes very funny to read :gap : drink

    You should open the file with windows editor or a other texteditor like Notepad.

    You can try WinMerge. I use it to open 2 files and see what someone changes in the files. You should turn on Ignore for blank lines and enable moved block detection and ignore all white space in Options - compare. otherwise it will show every blank character as a change in the file. very nice tool...

    3 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Alufoliengriller ()

  • Okay, thats clear for me.

    I have one question before I start with my christmas dinner:

    Is it possible to add a "home" and a "stop navigation" button just like in Gopal 3?