Habe gerade gelesen auf dem Site NavTechs (auf Englisch):
Chicago - September 29th, 2003 - Navigation Technologies, a leading provider of digital maps for vehicle navigation, Internet/wireless, government, and business solutions, is now offering a NAVTECH map of Greater Athens, Greece in preparation for the 2004 summer Olympics being held in Athens.
The NAVTECH Map of Greater Athens titled NAVTECH Greece v1.0 - includes the road network of the city of Athens along with 114 other surrounding municipalities in Lekanopedio, as the local residents call Greater Athens. NAVTECH Greece v1.0 also includes street names (transcribed into Latin characters), full address ranges, and basic and posted navigable attributes. All Olympic venues have been included in the map and coded as Points-Of-Interest to facilitate integration with applications developed specifically for the 2004 Olympic Games. The release also contains detailed city road network data for the Olympic Primary and Secondary Transportation Network, as identified by the official Olympic Organizing Committee.
An updated version of this database Greece v2.0 - will be available in Q1 of 2004. Greece v2.0 will reflect any changes made to the Olympic Transportation Network based on information obtained from the Olympic Organizing Committee. This product will also contain connecting roads to Patras (Ferry port to Brindisi, Italy). Navigation Technologies will continue mapping of Greece through 2004. Additional information on expanded coverage will be announced in 2004.
In Kurzem wird hier gesagt das jetzt V1.0 verfügbar ist für die Olympische Spielen und dass V2.0 in Q1 2004 kommen wird. Mehr Nachrichten über die Digitalisierung von Griechenland wird in 2004 kommen.