TomTom Bluettoth GPS module - DEAD!

  • Ich bin für den Pfosten traurig, der auf englisch geschrieben wird, aber leider kann ich nicht Deutsches sprechen. Ich hoffe, daß Sie verstehen.

    Hi guys ,
    I have the following problem:
    I have recently acquired a HP 1940 in bundle with
    TomTom gps Bluetooth and all has worked fine for some day.
    Without warning, then, the gps has stopped to communicate with the 1940, the intermittent blue lights no more,
    it is only ignited for a fraction of second to the ignition, then the only light that remains ignited is the continuous green.
    And the gps practically is invisibile, also to the Bluetooth port of my mobile.

    - green light always on
    - no blue light at all (not flashing nor always on)

    and my HP 1940 won't see the GPS module at all.

    Any suggestions? Is it definitively broken (I bought it ONE MONTH ago.. )?

    Thanks a lot

  • Hi Mark,

    there have been some reports about TomTom's BT-Mouse being defective in this forum.

    Some people recommend to disconnect the GPS from the power supply and have it running on batteries until it turns off and then leave it for at least two more days. After that you can reconnect it to the power supply (without switching it on) until the internal battery is fully charged. In some cases this obviously helped to solve the problem (seems to be a kind of reset...)

    But I suspect that the continouously lit green LED is a sign for a hardware fault, which can only be eliminated by changing the GPS.

    Sorry for having no better news 4u...


    VDO Dayton PN 4000 mit TMC und FB fürs Auto
    Garmin Quest / FW 3.50 / CN 8.0 fürs Mopped
    (History: TT2-TT3-MN3.1-MN|5-TT5-GoPal2.0-Route66N7)