Update zu Pharos Ostia Canada verfügbar

  • Hallo,

    es gibt ein Update zu Pharos Ostia Canada (V7):

    "Ostia 7.00 with Canadian Maps $119.95 registered users $44.95

    Smart MapperTM for downloading digital maps on the go directly from Pharos' Web server via Wi-Fi hotspot connection

    Map 5.0 the latest digital map revision from leading map provider TeleAtlas

    Geographic compatibility across U.S., Canada and Europe, resulting in automatic change from miles to kilometers, etc.

    Bold 3-D, on-screen map view gives drivers "bird's eye view" of the road ahead

    Ability to navigate seamlessly across maps, even when navigating multi-stop routes

    Soft-key menu buttons for easier and faster function selection

    Ability to switch between portrait and landscape screen orientation (2003 edition Pocket PCs and later)

    Export trip log in a text file for reports and business management

    Save and export favorite locations to your PC or laptop from your Pocket PC"

    Weitere Infos zur neuen Version findet ihr hier:


    Infos zur alten Version und andere Karten zu Canada findet ihr hier:



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