Dear Al, here I am back finally, with our users reply: First of all I would like to tell you on behalf of all our users here that we highly appreciate your absolutely quick replies!! And thank you very much for your willingness to respond to our problems!! If we could now once again summarise our wishes and comments: 1. All fields which are not contained in the TK1 will not be created artificially in the NMEA file(s), this would perfectly fit our wishes!! 2. The TK4 and TK5 formats are for new GPS products and not for the WBT-201, isn't it? 3. For all programming issues we would prefer u-center, for us this has become a standard application both on PC and PDA. 4. Concerning to your question which NMEA sentences we would like to have logged: We would like choose to program any NMEA sentence which is programmable through u-center, including logging intervals (for example: every 1 s, every 5 s, etc.). 5. Usually, for the u-blox chips firmware updates are possible through u-center. Is that really not possible with the WBT-201, or do you mean another type of firmware? We are not sure... 6. While we understand that your boss does not want you to spend too much time with TMX, we would however place emphasis on the fact that our user group is the largest one in Germany. The German market share for GPS products is surely pretty large - improvements of a product in response to user wishes lead to increased acceptance, so that the producing company gets well known and will thus sell more of his products. 7. All of our users want to thank you very much that you are willing to implement our wishes in a new version of TMX !! As we are not sure if we understood you right, we'd like to ask if those new features will be actually available for the WBT-201? Or only for future new products (new firmware)? 8. We would be glad to have the possibility to suggest features for your planned GPS applications with the new u-blox5 chips. One of our users will soon have available the Holux M-241 and the Navilock NL-456DL. He will thoroughly test these devices, and we will then inform you of positive features (which we would also wish for new Wintec products) as well as missing/negative features - so Wintec could avoid the "mistakes" of competing companies, and develop really good products ;>) I guess these will be big sellers!! Anyhow, this task will take some time because we will thoroughly discuss everything. We would contact you as soon as we have finalised a "wish-list"! Dear Al, speaking for all of our users I want to thank you again for your really amazing cooperation, it is a real pleasure to discuss with you!! I think both of us benefit: you and your company because you get "real life" wishes and suggestions from the end users, and we users because you give us the possibility to place our suggestions and wishes for continuous improvement of Wintec's both existing and future products! We happily look forward to your reply and remain With kindest regards, Chris, on behalf of the German User Group