; Buttons actions ; ; RETURN_MAP - return to map ; ~xxx- goto frame xxx ; EXIT - exit application [General] ; Number of frames NumFrames=6 ; The number of toolbar buttons NumToolbarButtons=3 ; the toolbar height ToolbarHeight = 40 ; how many pixels between title and frame area TopTitleSpacing = 0 ; Text color for menu buttons MenuToolbarTextColor = 20,46,101 MenuToolbarDisabledTextColor = 200,200,200 ; Text color for toolbar buttons MenuButtonTextColor = 20,46,101 MenuButtonDisabledTextColor = 80,110,160 MenuButtonIconPosition = TOP [Frame0] ButtonExtraTopIconSpace= 2 ButtonsPerRow = 3 NumButtons = 6 ; Number of buttons in the frame ButtonShrinkX = 0 ; How many pixels to shrink the button on the sides (number of pixels for each side) ButtonShrinkY = 0 ; How many pixels to shrink the button on top and bottom (number of pixels for each side) FrameShrinkX = 0 ; How many pixels to shrink the frame between the toolbar and the title FrameShrinkY = 0 ;Title = MENU_BUTTON_NAVIGATE Title = TOOLBAR_BUTTON_ACTIONS [Frame0.TBButton0] ButtonText = IDS_MENU_BUTTON_EXIT_DESTINATOR ButtonAction = EXIT ButtonBitmap = MENU_EXIT_DEST [Frame0.TBButton1] ButtonText = MENU_BUTTON_HELP ButtonAction = HELP ButtonBitmap = MENU_BUTTON_ABOUT [Frame0.TBButton2] ButtonText = IDS_MENU_BUTTON_MAP ButtonAction = RETURN_MAP ButtonBitmap = MENU_MAP [Frame0.Button0] ButtonText = IDS_MENU_DESTINATE ButtonAction = ~1 ButtonBitmap = MENU_BUTTON_MAP [Frame0.Button1] ButtonText = IDS_MENU_ROUTEMANAGER ButtonAction = ~2 ButtonBitmap = MENU_BUTTON_ROUTE [Frame0.Button2] ButtonText = IDS_MENU_EXTRAS ButtonAction = ~3 ButtonBitmap = MENU_BUTTON_EXTRAS [Frame0.Button3] ;ButtonText = MENU_TB_SETTINGS ButtonText = IDS_MENU_SETTINGS ButtonAction = ~4 ButtonBitmap = MENU_BUTTON_GENERAL [Frame0.Button4] ButtonAction = VIEW_MODE [Frame0.Button5] ButtonAction = DAY_NIGHT [Frame1] ButtonExtraTopIconSpace= 2 ButtonsPerRow = 3 NumButtons = 6 ButtonShrinkX = 0 ButtonShrinkY = 0 FrameShrinkX = 0 FrameShrinkY = 0 Title = IDS_MENU_DESTINATE [Frame1.TBButton0] ButtonText = TOOLBAR_BUTTON_BACK ButtonAction = ~0 ButtonBitmap = MENU_BACK [Frame1.TBButton1] ButtonText = IDS_ABOUT ButtonAction = ABOUT ButtonBitmap = MENU_BUTTON_ABOUT [Frame1.TBButton2] ButtonText = IDS_MENU_BUTTON_MAP ButtonAction = RETURN_MAP ButtonBitmap = MENU_MAP [Frame1.Button0] ButtonText = IDS_MENU_DESTINATE_ADDRESS ButtonAction = ADDRESS ButtonBitmap = MENU_BUTTON_ADDRESS [Frame1.Button1] ButtonText = IDS_MENU_DESTINATE_POI ButtonAction = POI ButtonBitmap = MENU_BUTTON_POI [Frame1.Button2] ButtonText = IDS_MENU_DESTINATE_HISTORY ButtonAction = HISTORY ButtonBitmap = MENU_BUTTON_HISTORY [Frame1.Button3] ButtonText = IDS_MENU_DESTINATE_FAVORITES ButtonAction = FAVORITES ButtonBitmap = MENU_BUTTON_FAVORITES [Frame1.Button4] ButtonText = IDS_MENU_DESTINATE_CONTACTS ButtonAction = CONTACTS ButtonBitmap = MENU_BUTTON_CONTACTS [Frame1.Button5] ButtonText = MENU_BUTTON_CANCELROUTE ButtonAction = CANCEL_ROUTE ButtonBitmap = MENU_BUTTON_CANCELROUTE [Frame2] ButtonExtraTopIconSpace= 2 ButtonsPerRow = 3 NumButtons = 6 ButtonShrinkX = 0 ButtonShrinkY = 0 FrameShrinkX = 0 FrameShrinkY = 0 Title = IDS_MENU_ROUTEMANAGER_TITLE [Frame2.TBButton0] ButtonText = TOOLBAR_BUTTON_BACK ButtonAction = ~0 ButtonBitmap = MENU_BACK [Frame2.TBButton1] ButtonText = IDS_ABOUT ButtonAction = ABOUT ButtonBitmap = MENU_BUTTON_ABOUT [Frame2.TBButton2] ButtonText = IDS_MENU_BUTTON_MAP ButtonAction = RETURN_MAP ButtonBitmap = MENU_MAP [Frame2.Button0] ButtonText = MENU_BUTTON_MANEUVER_LIST ButtonAction = DIRECTIONS ButtonBitmap = MENU_BUTTON_MANEUVERS [Frame2.Button1] ButtonText = IDS_MENU_SETTINGS_ROUTE_M ButtonAction = AVOIDROADS ButtonBitmap = MENU_BUTTON_ROUTE_MANAGEMENT [Frame2.Button2] ButtonText = MENU_BUTTON_SHOWROUTE ButtonAction = SHOW_ROUTE ButtonBitmap = MENU_BUTTON_SHOWROUTE [Frame2.Button3] ButtonText = MENU_BUTTON_PLAY ButtonAction = PLAY_RECORD ButtonBitmap = MENU_BUTTON_PLAY [Frame2.Button4] ButtonText = MENU_BUTTON_SWITCH ButtonAction = SWITCH_MAPS ButtonBitmap = MENU_BUTTON_SWITCH [Frame2.Button5] ButtonText = IDS_MENU_DESTINATE_MPR ButtonAction = TRIP_PLANNER ButtonBitmap = MENU_BUTTON_MPR [Frame3] ButtonExtraTopIconSpace= 2 ButtonsPerRow = 3 NumButtons = 6 ButtonShrinkX = 0 ButtonShrinkY = 0 FrameShrinkX = 0 FrameShrinkY = 0 Title = IDS_MENU_EXTRAS [Frame3.TBButton0] ButtonText = TOOLBAR_BUTTON_BACK ButtonAction = ~0 ButtonBitmap = MENU_BACK [Frame3.TBButton1] ;ButtonText = IDS_ABOUT ;ButtonAction = ABOUT ButtonBitmap = MENU_BUTTON_ABOUT ButtonText = IDS_TUTORIAL ButtonAction = ~5 ;ButtonBitmap = MENU_BUTTON_TUTORIAL [Frame3.TBButton2] ButtonText = IDS_MENU_BUTTON_MAP ButtonAction = RETURN_MAP ButtonBitmap = MENU_MAP [Frame3.Button0] ButtonAction = PLANNER [Frame3.Button1] ButtonAction = VEHICLEWALKER [Frame3.Button2] ButtonText = MENU_BUTTON_SATELLITES ButtonAction = GPS_SETTINGS ButtonBitmap = MENU_BUTTON_SATELLITES [Frame3.Button3] ButtonText = MENU_BUTTON_DEMO ButtonAction = DEMO_MODE ButtonBitmap = MENU_BUTTON_DEMO [Frame3.Button4] ButtonText = IDS_SMS_INBOX ButtonAction = SMS_INBOX ButtonBitmap = MENU_BUTTON_SMS_INBOX [Frame3.Button5] ButtonText = IDS_TMC ButtonAction = TMC ButtonBitmap = MENU_BUTTON_TMC_MAIN [Frame4] ButtonExtraTopIconSpace= 2 ButtonsPerRow = 3 NumButtons = 6 ButtonShrinkX = 0 ButtonShrinkY = 0 FrameShrinkX = 0 FrameShrinkY = 0 Title = IDS_MENU_SETTINGS [Frame4.TBButton0] ButtonText = TOOLBAR_BUTTON_BACK ButtonAction = ~0 ButtonBitmap = MENU_BACK [Frame4.TBButton1] ButtonText = IDS_ABOUT ButtonAction = ABOUT ButtonBitmap = MENU_BUTTON_ABOUT [Frame4.TBButton2] ButtonText = IDS_MENU_BUTTON_MAP ButtonAction = RETURN_MAP ButtonBitmap = MENU_MAP [Frame4.Button0] ButtonText = IDS_MENU_SETTINGS_ALERTS ButtonAction = ALERT_SETTINGS ButtonBitmap = MENU_BUTTON_ALERTS [Frame4.Button1] ButtonText = IDS_MENU_SETTINGS_MAP ButtonAction = MAP_SETTINGS ButtonBitmap = MENU_BUTTON_MAP [Frame4.Button2] ButtonText = IDS_MENU_SETTINGS_LOOKANDFEEL ButtonAction = LOOKFEEL_SETTINGS ButtonBitmap = MENU_BUTTON_LOOKANDFEEL [Frame4.Button3] ButtonText = IDS_LANGUAGE_SETTINGS ButtonAction = LANGUAGE_SETTINGS ButtonBitmap = MENU_BUTTON_VISUALNOTIF [Frame4.Button4] ButtonText = IDS_MENU_SETTINGS_GENERAL ButtonAction = GENERAL_SETTINGS ButtonBitmap = MENU_BUTTON_GENERAL [Frame4.Button5] ButtonText = IDS_PI_SETTINGS ButtonAction = QUICKNAV_SETTINGS ButtonBitmap = MENU_BUTTON_PI ; *** Frame5: Tutor [Frame5] ButtonExtraTopIconSpace = 2 ButtonsPerRow = 3 NumButtons = 6 ButtonShrinkX = 0 ButtonShrinkY = 0 FrameShrinkX = 0 FrameShrinkY = 0 Title = IDS_MENU_TUTORIAL [Frame5.TBButton0] ButtonText = TOOLBAR_BUTTON_BACK ButtonAction = ~3 ButtonBitmap = MENU_BACK [Frame5.TBButton1] ButtonText = IDS_ABOUT ButtonAction = ABOUT ButtonBitmap = MENU_BUTTON_ABOUT [Frame5.TBButton2] ButtonText = IDS_MENU_BUTTON_MAP ButtonAction = RETURN_MAP ButtonBitmap = MENU_MAP [Frame5.Button0] ButtonText = IDS_INTRO ButtonAction = TUTORIAL ButtonBitmap = MENU_BUTTON_INTRO Scenario = Intro [Frame5.Button1] ButtonText = IDS_SET_ADDRESS ButtonAction = TUTORIAL ButtonBitmap = MENU_BUTTON_MAILSETTING Scenario = SetAddress [Frame5.Button2] ButtonText = IDS_PERSONALIZE ButtonAction = TUTORIAL ButtonBitmap = MENU_BUTTON_PERSONALIZE Scenario = Personalize [Frame5.Button3] ButtonText = IDS_POI ButtonAction = TUTORIAL ButtonBitmap = MENU_BUTTON_POI_TUTURIAL Scenario = POI [Frame5.Button4] ButtonText = IDS_MY_DESTINATION ButtonAction = TUTORIAL ButtonBitmap = MENU_BUTTON_MYDESTINATION Scenario = MyDestinations